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entries about chat links

Sunday, May 09, 2010
Day -53 [My very first post - Six NE Messages] @ 1:51:00 AM

I guess this trip to China, Wuhan will surly be an exciting one...
This is also my longest oversea trip alone without my parent. Hahax, seriously I dare not think about the things that will happen that. But to me, I know that I must enjoy myself to the fullest. =D

Anyway, keep track of my journey over there and also remind to blog about the Six NE Message~!! It is extreme IMPORTANT...hahax, =DD
  1. Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
    We treasure our heritage and take pride in shaping our own unique way of life.

  2. We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
    We value diversity and are determined to stay as one united people.

  3. We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.
    We provide opportunities for all, according to their ability and effort.

  4. No one owes Singapore a living.
    We find our way to survive and prosper, turning to challenge into opportunity.

  5. We ourselves must defend Singapore.
    We are proud to defend Singapore ourselves, no one else is responsible for our security and well-being.

  6. We have confidence in our future.
    Untied, determined and well-prepared, we have what it takes to build a bright future for ourselves, and to progress together as on nation.