Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 0 - Last Day in Singapore @ 12:40:00 AM
Time flies really fast....
2 weeks ago, my friends and I were mugging for our exam...but 2 weeks later we were all preparing ourselves physically and mentally for our trip to Wuhan. And it is just a few hours away from it.
Today also marks the last day before my trips start. By now, I have already started daydreaming about what will happen over there? How will the stay be like? and many other stuff. Many things has being going through my minds, I guess tonight I won't be able to fall asleep easily.
Anyway, I will hope that this trip will be a smooth and good one ~!! =D
and above all I will surly miss all my close one.... ♥
Group meeting during a public holiday ~

Stuffs that are following me ~