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Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 34 - My last post @ 3:57:00 PM

Within the blink of a eyes, 34 days has passes...
Finally, I have return back to Singapore reunited with my family and friends but something seem to be missing. That is the joy that I miss back in Wuhan.

Going through this trip taught me and also allow me to experience many things. Things that I learn range from the local or even my classmate itself. I wish to say that being able to be part of this whole trip is my greatest honor. Having gone through 34 days in Wuhan was never easy. I can't say that throughout this whole trip, it was always a joyful one as in life there is always ups and downs. But what I overcome is that whenever I am feeling down, I learn not to let those negative overtake my life but instead I think more of the positive.

Throughout this whole trip, I am also grateful to the local student. Having to read their letters on the plane brought me to tears. I knew the friendship make with them was not a normal one, but it was a special one. Something that I never regret doing it.

Through this trip, it not about the modules that I learn. But is about the life values that I learn here. I now can say that I finally grow up. I know ahead of me there are more for me to learn, but one thing for sure I am now on my way towards a new beginning.