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entries about chat links

Friday, October 08, 2010
Day 25 - Preparing for 武当山 @ 11:30:00 PM

One day more to Wudang Shan!

Everyone is starting to talk about it! Everyone is also starting to make their own choice to climb or not to. As for me, I have already decided to conquer this mountain!

Everything lie with our mind, when we set our mind to do something we will always complete the task even if we don’t but we will never give up in trying until we success.
To me, I felt is the same as making a decision to climb. We may think that our physical body may not be able to climb to the summit but the moment we set our mind to do it, and then we will be able to do so! Like what I feel, everything lies with our mind, when we tell ourselves we can do it ~ then we will be able to do it. But if we kept telling ourselves that we can’t do it, then we will not be able to do it.

So friend of 5th OIP….let tell ourselves that we can all reach the summit and conquer Wudang Shan!