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Saturday, October 09, 2010
Day 26 & 27 - 武当山 @ 11:04:00 PM

Record breaking ~ GROUP B has conquer 武当山 
Record breaking 2 ~ ALL 21 MDE student reach the summit of
Congratulation to everyone…you have overcome yourself by reaching to the summit!

Climbing up this mountain is no easy task for most of us! It require trust, encouragement and a never give up attitude throughout this journey.
Through this climb, I see something in my group. It is the bond we had together! Even though, the 4 of us may come from different courses, different age, different family background, but after 3 week we had bring the group together.
Why do I say so? Throughout the climb, each of us has being encouraging one another to reach the summit. When one is at the point of giving up, we will all push him or her to carry on the journey and not give up! Therefore when my group reaches the summit, I have a very good feeling. Being so bonded as a group make me feel proud to be in this group! Thank guys for making this trip such a good one! =D