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entries about chat links

Thursday, October 07, 2010
Day 24 - BBQ in WUHAN @ 11:20:00 PM

Ever try BBQ-ing in a foreign country before?? Hahax…I try it once in Australia during my vacation and it was on a mountain too. But this time it was different! This time it was BBQ in CHINA and location was beside the Yangtze River!! How awesome it that!
BBQ-ing in China is a whole new different experience that I enjoy. The way we bbq our food, we food we use to bbq, the way of marinating the chicken is very different as compare to Singapore. Not only that is also the place and time that we BBQ. In Singapore, BBQ always start late in the evening but in China is in the afternoon. Alright, let photos speak the rest of the story!

Remember while I was chatting with one of the local student who organizes this BBQ party. He told me this, “To me, the food that we BBQ are not really important what’s more important the time we spend happily together!” After hearing this, I immediately agree. To me, I felt is the same of us too be it if this BBQ party is held in Singapore or China, it is still about the time being spend together rather than the food.

Thinking back, whenever I organize a BBQ party I always think about the food about the drinks but I never thought of the real motive behind a BBQ. But after today, I started to realize it. Because when one plans a BBQ, his aim is to make everyone enjoy themselves and be happy then it is really not about the amount of food or how the taste of the food is like. Therefore when we have the right thinking towards a project, thenthe result of the event will turn out well.

Come to think of it, these local students are really far more than I expect. To plan this BBQ within such a last min notice was a hard one but yet they organize it well. Also when ask them, do they always BBQ? Their answer is NO. It just tells me that it because of us, they went to plan it. I really do admire the way they host us, because they always put us first and think of how to let us enjoy our stay in Wuhan. Thank you so much!