Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 2 - Getting the shock of my life @ 11:49:00 PM
Second day of Wuhan, things are starting to settle down...
Even though, it was just the second day but yet I experience another cultural shock of my life again.

hahax, I know it sound like it was something bad.
But this time it was not~!!!
It was actually something that I have to learn, something that really leave a deep impression upon me. So what was that???
Okay, here the story goes...............
I have a friend, call Wei Qin. She was from the 4th Batch of OIP trip to Wuhan.
And during their stay in Wuhan, they had a very close bond with the students over here.
As such, Wei Qin prepare some gift and got me to bring it over to them.
When one of the students receive his gifts. He came over to my room looking for the person who bring the gifts over. When He knew it was me, he immediately bow down 90 degree offering his appreciation.
This action totally gave me a shock, something that I never expect to receive over a small things that I does. I guess, to them it is important to appreciate others. Finally, this guy actually went brought us 3 cup of local drink and delivery it to my room while I was not around.

My thoughts and lesson learn about this is that, I never thought that China citizen are that appreciative toward other and this is also that one thing I must learn. Even though, it was just my first 2 days in Wuhan, but I receive lots of help, advice and blessing from them. It truly my luck to have them as our trip host.

That all for today...Something that will stay in my memories forever... ♥

Our Classroom, Canteen and Couputer Lab

The food that we ate...