Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 3 - 3 Guys & Girls VS Tiny Pest @ 10:43:00 PM
Is the 3rd day in Wuhan already and officially we started lesson today.
Want to know how my classroom look like??? hahax, here how it look like. Even though, it can't be compare to Singapore but then it is still a nice place to study in ~ as the air-conditional is so much stronger than the one is our room...

anyway, something interesting also happen on this day...
Early in the morning at about 1am to 2am, a cockroach was caught running around my room...
guess what, one of my friend jump onto the bed, another trying to chase it out of my room while I was shining my torch on it.

That was not only the one incident that happen on the same day...
On the same day, at around 9pm...The girls in my group rush us up to their room to chase away one cockroach, but never did I know that it actually went into the cupboard and another guy went to open the cupboard, 3 cockroach was being spot inside. These tiny pest stir up everyone, causing the girls to scream, the guys running after them. hahax, never did I thought that such a tiny pest could actually make all of us so tense up. Maybe one lesson that I should learn is that never under estimate the small one. =)
Overall, nothing really happen that day other than this but I got to really thank the Student Leader over in Wuhan, as they brought us over to Shao Ping Mao, where some of us went to the Wal-Mart, some went to shop while the student leader and some of us were at the arcade playing... =) Is was a really fun time together.

Even though, nothing much really happen today but I really got to learn how to be a much more stronger person. Back in Singapore, pest are uncommon to spot in out bedroom but in Wuhan it is kind of common. As such, I got to learn to appreciate Singapore for being able to provide me with such clean country.