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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 10 - "Off" day in China @ 11:57:00 PM

OFF day in China ~~~~ but it is not Saturday or Sunday...it is a THURDAY ~!!!
even though, it is a off day, but still individual group had to present our Project Management assignment to Mr Chia before we had our day off.......but.......it is still good, as most of us can wake up late... =DD

Whole of thursday passes through quickly as most student was not in school due to their public holiday and when night fall... I met up with my China friends again to have dinner at Shao Ping Mao, but is a different restaurant. We ate at this place call "33 Heaven (三十三间堂). It was a nice place to have dinner there whereby we ate very unique. Hahax, you will know what I mean when you see the photos already!

Dinner time seem to pass quickly, as I can't seem to fellowship enough with them. but soon we had to rush back as there is curfew time to meet.....

Once we reach our hostel, most of them were waiting for us to return back so as we can release the wishing Lantern that we brought~! Cutting the story short, let view the photos which tell a better story....

Just finish releasing the lantern into the air and tomorrow we will be going on a trip to 3 gorges along the Yangtze river.
When releasing the lantern, I wrote "May everyone be happy, enjoy good health & get good results". Even though, it is not scientific-proven but I guess it is a wish that everyone hope to come true. Therefore even though, I am in Wuhan, but I still do want my family in Singapore, my friends in both Singapore and Wuhan to be in good health. =D Therefore let us all pray and hope that everyone will lead a happy life!! =D

Releasing the lantern....