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Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 14 - A surprise BIRTHDAY! @ 11:59:00 PM

12 Midnight strike ~ and I wish myself "Happy Birthday"...it was kind of a sad moment as is my second time celebrating my birthday oversea without my family... I still remember my 18th Birthday was a Malaysia, Pahang. Now at China, Wuhan...Wondering where will I be next year???

This sadness doesn't last long ~ that because I still have my OIP CLASSMATE!!!  even when my family is not around, there is always friends.... 

This class that I am in, plan a surprise at one of restaurant near our school. They even got my group to lie to me, just wanting to give me a surprise. Even though, I somehow see through the trick...but yet I really do appreciate them doing all this. To me, is really not about the surprise that I receive, but is about the class being together as one! I do have a dream that one of my classmate birthday, my whole class will be able to gather an celebrate together....  

Thank you for planning a surprise for me, even though I know is hard but I really do appreciate it a lot!! =D
After finishing this awesome dinner ~ I was being trick again to accompany some girls for shopping around that area. I knew it will be another birthday torture by some of my friends but I was very wrong. When I return back to my room ~ I got another shocking surprise!! 

Those friends that I knew in China, brought me birthday gifts but they did not want to present it to me in the public. Instead, they liaise with my friend and place my present on my hostel bed! This indeed surprise me a lot when I seen it, it just touches my heart till my tears drop out. 
Gifts brought by them, a bouquet of Lollipop flower, a Panda, a Shirt and a toothbrush 
This year is really a special year for me, where I spend my birthday in a foreign country. I never thought that those China friends that I knew less than 10 days will actually brought me so many gifts, some are hand make too. Somehow or rather, I feel that I am bless and lucky to know them, to be friend with them. It just taught me that, friendship cannot be measure by the days we knew each other....

In conclusion, these friends really impacted me a lot. And I seriously thank them for hosting me so well! It's my blessing to know them! 

"You've got troubles, I've got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We'll stick together to see it through cause you've got a friend in me."
- Randy Newman