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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 15 - WISCO @ 11:39:00 PM

Wondering what is WISCO about??
Is actually Wuhan Iron & Steel Company 武汉钢铁(集团)公司

well...WISCO is one of the largest steel company in China...
and this morning the staff from WUST brought us there to see how flat steel was being roll up.. 
even though this was just a small trip but it was a good experience. As steel is being use in most product nowadays but how many of us know the process of it. 

oh, another interesting thing that I experience was that in Singapore if we were to attend field trip that require helmet or other safety gear. All this will likely be gotten from the company itself, but back here in Wuhan is kind of different. Helmet was being draw out from the School Logistic sector instead. Therefore most of us carry our helmet and was playing with it while going and coming back. =) 

Having the chance is see how steel is being flatten and roll up doesn't really seem exciting to me in the beginning. But when entering the factory is just bring my excitement up having the urge to take photos...
Having the chance to see and experience the smoke and heat that came out while the steel was being process was a thrilling one. Even though, we were standing quite a distance away from it but we can still feel it. I remember when walking through the factory, most of us eventually took off our jacket...As it was kind of hot due the extreme heat that is need to process the steel.

Luckily, the Dean of WUST LMGT student was with us. I felt that if he was not around, we will be seeing those machine but won't understand what does it do. Therefore, I was lucky that he was explain to us about those machine and what does it do. If not this trip will kind of be wasted.

Today, during our Project Management lesson. Ms Hock post us a question to blog about it.
She ask: "Why does Singapore is cleaner than China?"

Maybe there is a many answer to this question but to me I just felt there there is just a few factor involving it. Firstly is the size of country. As China is way bigger than Singapore by a lot...Therefore it is not easy to maintain the cleanliness as compare to Singapore.
Secondly is the government. Government can choose to educate the citizen about this and enforce it strongly like how Singapore do it. This maybe a solution to solve this problem, but I guess it will take a certain number of years.
Thirdly is the culture. Different country has different culture in it. Each country is unique, for example Singapore is unique for being known as a Garden City, a clean country. While China is known for it Large number of population and it capacity to manufacture goods.
Therefore, I felt that all these cannot be compare but instead we should all appreciate each other way of living and learn from the strength of each country. =)