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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 16 - Water is PRECIOUS & Coca Cola Factory @ 11:18:00 PM

Water is PRECIOUS, you will only believe it when you are staying in a foreign country for a period of time...
staying in Wuhan allow you to see and experience things that you will not see nor experience in Singapore.

Having you ever wonder how is it feel like when there is no water?? hahax...
Last night, at about 11plus...the water supply was suddenly cut off!!! If most of us were to have bathe already, then having no water supply for the night isn't any problem....but it was not, 3/4 of us have not taken their bathe yet.

How interesting it is to experience all these here~! Luckily we got the help from those China student...In the end, we took all our pail and went to carry water from another hostel. Sound like the olden time where we carry water from the well. hahax..Is kind of sad that I never took photos of those precious moments.

Okay, let's get back to today.
Like yesterday morning, we were on our 2nd Industrial visit again....but this time, it is far more interesting.
We went to Coca Cola Factory....

Ever thought of how Coca-Cola was being process...What about Sprite or even Minute Maid?
This time, we were brought to view the history and also the process of how it is being make....
It was interesting to see the process especially we drank it almost everyday, but I guess it will be even better if we are allow to see it nearer..

Visiting the Coca-Cola Factory taught me more. At first, I thought that whatever company that set up their manufacturing factory over here mean that quality and standard will be just average compare to other more develop countries. But I felt this was not true, while visiting the factory...I saw how sharp and careful the worker maintain the standard of Coca-Cola. Whenever there was bottle being trap or some adjustment is needed for the machine, they will immediately stop the machine and adjust it. This just show that how they go toward a high and best quality standard.

I felt that this was same to our life too. Our character and knowledge had to be regularly being maintain and improve. If one day we were to stop improving ourselves or stop learning, then we will be like those bottle being stuck within the machine, resulting in all the bottle behind being affected too where eventually the whole machine will hang up. Therefore in our life, we must keep on moving on... =D

“Knowledge comes by eyes always open and working hands; and there is no knowledge that is not power.”
 ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson ~