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entries about chat links

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 17 - Running through the street @ 11:34:00 PM

Nothing much happen today ~~ it was one of the days that we could spend our time finishing up our blogs, revising on our test and also doing other things in the dorm.

but staying in the dorm for the whole day will surly make me feel very uncomfortable....
as a result, I went for a jog....with Mr Chia and Joanna...

Jogging is fun, even though I jog lesser when I am in year 2...but yet everything I go for jogging it just release all my stress. It is even better when we jog in Wuhan, even though the pollution is bad but yet when jog along the Yangtze River, the air is so refreshing and nice. How I wish Singapore will have this type of weather! =D

While jogging, Mr Chia decided to bring us to a flea market street call 建设七路...
Is was interesting ~ as it is like our Singapore "Pasar Malan" Look at the photos an you will understand already... The whole of this street sell many stuff....ranging from Soft toys to Accessories to clothings and many other stuff...

Soft Toys

Even though today was a much more relax day for us but yet I still learn somethings. Chatting with Mr Chia during dinner time allow me learn values. Especially when he share his experiences he went through during his Tertiary years then his working life, allow me to see and expect more in the future.
Somehow or rather, I love to hear people sharing their experience as everyone of us will go through different type of life struggle and happiness. Therefore whenever I hear these stories, it always open up my eyes to see things differently.