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entries about chat links

Friday, October 01, 2010
Day 18 - Happy Birthday Father ~!!! @ 11:49:00 AM


1st October 2010, my dad turn 50 years old and currently I'm 19 years old...For my past 19 years of my life, is always my parent that are the one bringing me up. Especially 2 year ago when my mum pass away, I knew it was a terrible feeling and hard moment to go through, but yet he still pull up himself quickly and guide us through. 

Today blog post, I wish to delicate it to my loving dad ~ a hero in my life, someone that mean something to me~! I remember the hardship that my entire family went through together, the time when my grandfather had a stroke, the time when my parents almost divorce, the time when my mother was down with cancer and etc. All these things bring my family together, having a strong bond with one another. Thank God, I was place in this family with such a good father and mother. 

If ever I had a chance to stand on a stage giving a thank you speech of my own successful story, I will never forget to thank my parents for the patience and love that they give it to me~! They are like my hero ~ and I wish to tell them, I am proud to be your son and proud to have you as my dad. 谢谢你老爸!!