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entries about chat links

Saturday, October 02, 2010
Day 19 - Human JAM @ 11:56:00 PM

Do you know what is HUMAN JAM???
Have you ever walk along the street of Chinatown during our Chinese New year...
Imagine yourself to be in a country of a population 10 times as much as Singapore ~
and just nice, you were in the mist of their National public holiday...how do you think the crowed will be like?

After experience today, I knew that I will complain lesser when I face massive flow of people in Singapore. Because what I seen in China is more than what we didn't expect that we will see. Having to shop the city area of Wuhan during a national day holiday was a nice experience. Even though the pavement is way bigger than Singapore but yet at some point of time, there will be experience of being squeeze here and there. You can see that while we cross the bridge, how many people we have to squeeze through...

Seeing all these doesn't really spoil our mood for shopping ~ instead, I still carry on shopping my own way and brought quite some stuff ~ luckily the guys following me are able to tolerant of me going to every single stall I see~!! =D

Able to experience the crowed street is not a everyday thing. In Singapore, maybe certain festival then you will get to see it, but most of us nowaday are learning to avoid all these. Therefore having to experience and see a bigger population teaches me to be much appreciative of what I was given...Because the amount of people were to be in Singapore, then opportunity given to each of us will be much more lesser. Therefore let us be much more appreciative of what Singapore has given us~!!