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entries about chat links

Sunday, October 03, 2010
Day 20 - 中山公园 @ 11:23:00 PM

中山公园here I come….
Must be wandering why my I so excited about going 中山公园 right?? 公园may seem to be a normal park for most of us…but In other country, it may mean differently…

In China, every province will have a park name as 中山公园 to remember this person contribution toward the country. And also, in this park there will be lots of exciting ride in there for people to enjoy themselves. Therefore naturally, most of us will visit their “theme park” to see what they have offered…

As for me, even though I am not a very theme park person but yet I still make a decision to go as I want to see how is it like? Therefore, I never play the rides over there. Some may say I am scare or some may say I am timid. But to me, I don’t really care as from young I never really get interested in playing this ride.  Anyway, I went there taking lots of photos, therefore let view the photos and see those exciting ride that my friend play ~!!

Having to reflect about this day is not an easy one. Because I knew from the beginning if I go for the theme park but yet don’t play any games, there will be surly some peer pressure around me. To many others, it may be easy to play all these game. But I guess not everyone is comfortable to do all these, as for me I knew that I am not. Therefore, I hold on to my decision of not playing even though much pressure is upon me in the beginning. Come to think of it, sometime when we play all these game we must really be prepare as not every one of us can actually take the excitement of it.