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entries about chat links

Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Day 22 - 12 days left in Wuhan @ 11:53:00 PM

12 days left in Wuhan ~ Time passes really fast, just within a blink of a eyes we had already spend at least 3 week together here.

There a saying, it takes 3 week to cultivate a habit and another 3 week to become a lifestyle. Now is already our 3rd week here in Wuhan where I felt that I am kind of used to the environment. Things are starting to get even better when the relationships between the friends over in China are getting closer and closer day by day. Somehow or rather, I am already thinking further away until the last day of the trip but it is not about the excitement of going back to Singapore. Rather it is about how I am going to face those newly-make friend on this very day.

Many say they are excited to go back to Singapore but I am half hearted… …I guess I just had to learn to treasure the remaining time I can spend here in Wuhan!