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entries about chat links

Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Day 23 - My very first Fine @ 11:17:00 PM

I gotten my very first fine today ~ hahax, wonder how did I have it???

Let me tell you, I got it because I came back later than my curfew time! Rather I was kind of prepared that I will get fine as I saw the time on my phone before leaving the place.  But I still want to gamble my chances by running from the gates toward my hostel room. To my surprise, my lecturer was already there waiting for us. That was how I gotten my very first fine today!

Today fine really gave me a waked up call. Initially, I was kind of relaxed about this curfew even though I still keep to this time regularly. But after today, my mindset change. I understand at my lecturer point of view on this. Even though having the fine is easy but yet the responsibility that he carries isn’t, therefore I felt that I never put myself in his shoes before. Just want to apologies for the mistake we have done.